Nightmare motivates overweight cop to start body building

China Plus Published: 2019-02-02 16:14:01
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Aaron Lohman is working out in the gym. Now a super buff cop, he says he used to scarf down half a dozen donuts for breakfast. He has shed almost 150lbs after kicking his sugar addiction to the curb. Police Officer Aaron Lohman, 36, tipped the scales at 425lbs and lived on a diet of sweet treats and cheesy pizza slices while patrolling the streets of New York. The NYPD cop said he could gobble six donuts in a single sitting and would treat himself to four slices of pizza and meatball subs during his stressful night shifts. At his heaviest, the dad-of-two wore pants with a 56 inch waist and a 5XL uniform shirt, the largest stocked in the police force. Aaron, of Brooklyn, New York, changed his lifestyle after having a nightmare in which he died in a fight with a criminal because he wasn't able to move his big body enough in the right way, leaving his daughter Karina (now five) without a dad. The policeman began biking the 11-mile round trip to work and lifting weights in between. He swapped his sugar loaded breakfasts for wholesome eggs and oatmeal and his pizza slices for lean turkey and rice prepared in his slow cooker. Since November 2015, Aaron has shed 148lbs. [Photo: VCG]

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