How foreigners view Chinese drinks?

By Chen Ziqi China Plus Published: 2017-07-03 17:31:25
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Speakers: Li Ningjing, Sam Duckett, and Lu Sirui

[Photo: from Global Times]

[Photo: from Global Times]

Every country has its own distinct beverages, many that only appeal to local palates, and China certainly has its fair share. According to sales volume statistics on Chinese e-commerce platform Taobao, the best-selling local drinks include Wang Laoji herbal tea, Coconut Palm brand natural coconut juice, Hot-Kid milk and sour plum juice. 

While the flavors of these beverages are enjoyed by Chinese customers, how do foreigners here react to them? Four Shanghai expats are invited to a taste test to rate these Chinese drinks according to their own diverse palates.

1) Wang Laoji herbal tea

American Jay Thornhill said the packaging looked more like a warning; he perceived it to be gasoline or some kind of flammable liquid.

Indian Kumar Gaurav said that even though the package coloring is quite eye-catching, he wouldn't know what it is.

How foreigners view Chinese drinks?


2) Coconut Palm brand natural coconut juice

Thornhill commented that it looks like a street sign; Valley felt it resembled a newspaper. "Packages in America usually look simpler and have less writing on it," Werner added.

Nonetheless, the participants enjoyed drinking this coconut juice and gave it very high scores.



3) Sour plum juice

Sour plum juice is an ancient Chinese beverage and still extremely popular during hot summer months. But most of our foreign participants were unable to deal with its flavor.

"The sour flavor is too concentrated for me and I wouldn't buy it," Gaurav said, adding that most Indian drinks are sweet; this was the first time he'd ever tried a sour beverage.



4) Chrysanthemum tea

None of our taste testers had ever before seen chrysanthemum tea drinks in their home countries, so it was each of their first time to try it.

Gaurav was confused "why people drink flowers." Werner added that some people had told her this particular tea is healthy, but she had never actually tried it.



The audio clip is from Studio+, produced by CRI. 

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