
Investigator says FAA training inspectors weren't qualified

Federal investigators say some safety inspectors who helped set pilot-training standards for the Boeing 737 Max were unqualified and the Federal Aviation Administration seemed to mislead Congress about their competency.

Google wins EU fight against worldwide 'right to be forgotten'

Google is not required to apply an EU "right to be forgotten" to its search engine domains outside Europe, the EU's top court ruled Tuesday in a landmark decision.

British PM won't resign after court ruling

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Tuesday he will not resign in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling that his suspension of the House of Commons was unlawful.

Top Democrat announces formal Trump impeachment inquiry

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Tuesday the opening of a formal impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, saying he had violated the constitution in seeking help from Ukraine to hurt Democratic opponent Joe Biden.

General Debate of UN General Assembly opens

The General Debate of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly opened on Tuesday with the theme of "Galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action and inclusion."

Decision to suspend UK parliament was 'unlawful': Supreme Court

Britain's Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled "unlawful" a decision by Prime Minister Boris Johnson to suspend parliament in the run-up to Brexit, saying it was "void and of no effect".

Old lady discovers Renaissance masterpiece in her kitchen

An early Renaissance masterpiece by the Florentine master Cimabue has been discovered in an old lady's kitchen in a town near Paris, art experts said Monday.

Catholic hospital ordered to provide medically-assisted suicide

Authorities in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia have ordered a Catholic hospital to provide physician-assisted suicide assessments to eligible patients who request them, reports CNN.

Trump says no meeting scheduled with Iran's Rouhani

U.S. President Donald Trump said here on Monday that he has no plan to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Police investigate jewelry thefts at Trump Tower

Detectives are investigating reports of thefts of about $350,000 worth of jewelry from residents in Manhattan's Trump Tower.

US soldier arrested for sharing bomb-making instructions

A US soldier who shared bomb-making instructions online and spoke of attacking the headquarters of a major television network has been arrested, the Justice Department said Monday.

Appeals court weighs challenges to Trump abortion rule

An appeals court is considering whether to block a Trump administration rule that bans taxpayer-funded health clinics from referring patients for an abortion — a rule that has already prompted many providers, including Planned Parenthood, to leave a longstanding federal family planning program.

Trial begins for former Dallas cop who fatally shot neighbor

A white Dallas police officer went on trial Monday in the shooting death of a black neighbor as attorneys sparred over whether the officer was distracted by a phone call when she mistook the neighbor’s apartment for her own and the victim for an intruder.

Trump says "a lot" could be achieved before 3rd U.S.-DPRK summit

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that the United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) could do "a lot" before a possible third summit between him and top DPRK leader Kim Jong Un.

Harry and Meghan join South Africa's fight against gender violence

Prince Harry has urged South African men to turn their back on toxic masculinity as his wife Meghan applauded girls for "standing up for what's right," as they launched their first official tour since becoming parents in May.

Rocket attack hits near US Embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone

Two rockets were fired into the capital's fortified Green Zone Monday evening, landing around one kilometer (a half-mile) from the U.S. Embassy amid soaring tensions between the U.S. and Iran.

Guterres urges concrete action at UN climate summit

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday urged concrete action at the Climate Action Summit that he convened amid a worsening climate crisis.

Israeli PM, challenger meet in president's bid to form unity gov't

Israel's two main victors of the country's closely-fought elections met on Monday night in a meeting brokered by the president in a bid to overcome a post-election political stalemate.

Bus crash killing Chinese tourists was driver's first trip: investigators

The U.S. bus crash that killed four Chinese tourists last weekend took place during the driver's first trip, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said Sunday.

53 people illegally in US found in tractor-trailer in Texas

The U.S. Border Patrol says agents at a checkpoint in Texas found 53 migrants who had entered the country illegally hiding in the back of a sweltering tractor-trailer.

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