中国小故事:司马光砸缸 Sima Guang and the Giant Clay Pot

Lu Chang China Plus Published: 2017-04-25 15:11:32
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中国小故事:司马光砸缸 Sima Guang and the Giant Clay Pot

司马光砸缸 Sima Guang and the Giant Clay Pot


sī mǎ guāng zá gāng

Sima Guang and the Giant Clay Pot

During the Song dynasty, there was a high-ranking scholar-official named Sima Guang, known for his masterwork, 'ZizhiTongjian', literally translated as "Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance; considered by many to be a pioneering reference work in Chinese historiography.

The renowned historian had an exciting adventure when he was a little boy.



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