成语故事:铁杵成针 Perseverance spells success

Wang Xiaoyu China Plus Published: 2017-05-15 17:50:09
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成语故事:铁杵成针 Perseverance spells success

成语故事:铁杵成针 Perseverance spells success


tiě chǔ chéng zhēn 

Perseverance spells success 

Li Bai, living in Tang Dynasty, is probably one of the most prolific poets in Chinese history. A well-known story about perseverance in China comes from Li Bai's childhood experiences. 


Literal meaning: grind an iron rod into a needle 

Explanation: perseverance spells success  



lǎo shī duì tā de xué shēng men shuō,zhī yào nǐ men nài xīn děng dài,tiě chǔ chéng zhēn,yī dìng kě yǐ qǔ dé hǎo de chéng jì。

A teacher says to his students that perseveranceonly spells success if you have patience to wait for good results.

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