成语故事:门可罗雀 Visitors are few and far between

Wang Xiaoyu China Plus Published: 2017-12-01 15:34:19
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成语故事:门可罗雀 Visitors are few and far between

成语故事:门可罗雀 Visitors are few and far between


mén kě luó què

Visitors are few and far between

The idiom 门可罗雀 is used to show how few visitors someone has. 门 is door or gate, 可 means can or be able to , 罗 means to catch by using a net, 雀 stands for sparrow or bird. In English there is a similar expression. That is visitors are few and far between.

Literal meaning: visitors are few so you can catch sparrow at the door

Explanation: Visitors are few and far between



dì zhèn guò hòu zhè gè jǐng diǎn mén kě luó què 。

Visitors are few and far between in this scenic spot after the earthquake.

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