Fun Chinese

用中文说: "To put one's foot in one's mouth"
用中文说: "To put words in someone's mouth"
成语故事:爱屋及乌Love Me Love My Dog
成语故事:沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花Fish Sink and Wild Geese Drop, to Outshine the Moon and Put the Flowers to Shame
用中文说: "Deja Vu"
用中文说: "Keep a Stiff Upper Lip"
用中文说: "Salty"
成语故事:三顾茅庐 Three Visits to the Cottage
成语故事:己所不欲,勿施于人Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
用中文说: "In the doghouse"
用中文说: "To wait for the other shoe to drop"
用中文说: "Steal Someone's Thunder"
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