中国的伦敦桥 Tower Bridge in China

Published: 2017-03-15 10:58:20
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中国的伦敦桥 Tower Bridge in China

You can now(现在) visit(参观) the Tower Bridge in China! A replica(复制品) of(的) the London 

Tower Bridge has been built in Suzhou, China. Suzhou already(已经) has(有) 56 world-famous 

bridge replicas.


词汇  Words:

[fù zhì pǐn] 复制品 replica
[cān guān] 参观 visit
[xiàn zài] 现在 now
[yǐ jīng] 已经 already
[yǒu] 有 has
[de] 的 of

重点词汇 Key Word:

有 <动词 v.> 

  • exist; there be
    E.g. Zhè fù jìn yǒu shāng diàn ma?
    Are there any shops in the vicinity?

  • have; own; possess
    E.g. Yǒu kòng qǐng lái wán。
    Come round when you have time.

  • used to indicate an estimate or a comparison
    E.g. Wèn tí yǒu nà me yán zhòng ma? 
    Is the problem that serious?

  • used to indicate having plenty of things or lasting a long period
    E.g. Tā gàn zhè yī háng kě yǒu nián tóu le。
    She has been doing this sort of work for years.

  • used to indicate sth that appears or occurs
    E.g. Zhè hái zi zuì jìn yǒu diǎnr dī shāo。
    Recently the child had a mild fever.

  • [used to express sth indefinite] certain; some
    E.g. Yǒu rén dǎ diàn huà zhǎo nǐ。
    You are wanted on the phone.

  • used before person, time or place indicating part of sth
    E.g. Yǒu shí hòu tā yě huì dà fā pí qì。
    Sometimes he may also lose his temper.

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