外卖哥扶梯上扔饭救娃 Hero delivery man saves baby from escalator

Published: 2017-03-16 10:59:11
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While shopping(购物), a mother(妈妈) loses(失去) her balance(平衡) and her baby(宝宝) and stroller(婴儿车) head down an escalator(扶梯). Without a second thought(不假思索), a delivery man(快递员) grabs(抓) the child in the stroller, while another(另一个) quick-thinking passerby(路人) presses(按) the "emergency stop(急停)" button(按钮).

Neither baby nor mother ended up seriously hurt(受伤), thanks to the speediness of strangers(陌生人).

词汇 Words:

[mā ma] 妈妈 mother
[bǎo bao] 宝宝 baby
[kuài dì yuán] 快递员 delivery man
[lù rén] 路人 passerby
[mò shēng rén] 陌生人 stranger
[lìng yī gè] 另一个 another
[àn niǔ] 按钮 button
[àn] 按 press
[zhuā] 抓 grab

重点词汇 Key Word:

  • <动词 v.> press; push down
    E.g. Yǒu rén àn mén líng。
    There's a ring at the door.

  • <动词 v.> put aside; shelve
    E.g. Wǒ men xiān àn xià cǐ shì bù shuō。
    Let's put this aside for a while.

  • <介词 prep.> according to; on the basis
    E.g. Nǐ àn zì jǐ de xiǎng fǎ gàn ba。
    Do it your own way.

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