监狱举办服饰秀 A fashion show held at prison

Published: 2017-03-28 11:42:57
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监狱举办服饰秀 A fashion show held at prison

Female(女性) prisoners took to the catwalk in a fashion show(秀) of China's ethnic clothing(服装). 

监狱举办服饰秀 A fashion show held at prison

The show was held(举办) at a women's prison(监狱) in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The event(活动) aimed(旨在) to help(帮助) prisoners release(释放) pressure(压力) and more actively engage with prison reform(改造).

监狱举办服饰秀 A fashion show held at prison

词汇 Words:

[nǚ xìng] 女性 female
[fú zhuāng] 服装 clothing
[jiān yù] 监狱 prison
[huó dòng] 活动 event
[yā lì] 压力 pressure
[gǎi zào] 改造 reform
[shì fàng] 释放 release
[bāng zhù] 帮助 help
[jǔ bàn] 举办 hold

Words related with clothing 服装相关词汇:

[chèn shān] 衬衫 shirt
[nǚ chèn shān] 女衬衫 blouse
[cháng kù] 长裤 pants
[duǎn kù] 短裤 shorts
[qún zi] 裙子 skirt
[niú zǎi kù] 牛仔裤 jeans
[Txù] T恤 T-shirt            
[qí páo] 旗袍 cheongsam
[dà yī] 大衣 coat
[xī fú] 西服 suit
[zhì fú] 制服 uniform
[lǐng dài] 领带 tie
[nèi yī] 内衣 underwear
[máo yī] 毛衣 sweater
[xiōng zhào] 胸罩 bra
[shuì yī] 睡衣 pajamas
[wà zi] 袜子 socks
[bèi xīn] 背心 vest

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