无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

Published: 2017-03-31 13:30:08
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无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

This boy, although having no arms, leads a normal life, excels at school, and does almost everything that others can. He has already inspired the Chinese media many times with his story, and is raising awareness for disability issues in China. 

无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

Jiang Tianjian, nicknamed "little Tian" is breaking(打破) traditional ideas(观念) of what it means(意味) to be disabled.

In school, little Tian uses his legs(腿), feet(脚) and toes(脚趾) in the same way most kids use their arms(胳膊), hands(手), and fingers(手指).

无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

He was born without arms, but his parents discovered he could use his shoulders(肩膀) at 8 months old. His parents have worked hard to make his legs as dexterous as his arms. 

When he was only a year old, he could hold(拿) a pen with his foot. Now, he can even draw calligraphy with his feet.

无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

Little Tian is now popular with his classmates. He is said to excel at academics and learning. 

无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

However, when his mother wanted to admit him to kindergarten, several rejected(拒绝) him because of his physical disabilities.

Little Tian does very well at his school, the Shehong County Meifeng school in the southwestern province of Sichuan, which is sure to be proud to have him as a student.

无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

Little Tian raises(举) his foot to be called on to answer a question from the teacher.

The school arranged(安排) little Tian to have a front-row desk and was put in the class with an experienced, 50-year-old teacher.

无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

He can even play(玩) the game(游戏), "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with the other children.

Little Tian first gained(获取) attention starting in 2014 for his normal life despite his physical disabilities. 

He has appeared in the news several times, hopefully changing in some ways the public's perception of children living with disabilities.

无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

Eating(吃), writing(写), drawing(画), and more are all no problem(问题) for little Tian.

无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!

词汇 Words:

[dǎ pò] 打破 break
[jù jué] 拒绝 reject
[ān pái] 安排 arrange
[huò qǔ] 获取 gain
[ná] 拿 hold
[jǔ] 举 raise
[wán] 玩 play
[chī] 吃 eat
[xiě] 写 write
[huà] 画 draw
[guān niàn] 观念 idea
[wèn tí] 问题 problem
[yóu xì] 游戏 game

身体部位 Body parts: 

[tuǐ] 腿 leg
[jiǎo] 脚 foot
[jiǎo zhǐ] 脚趾 toe
[gē bó] 胳膊 arm
[shǒu] 手 hand
[shǒu zhǐ] 手指 finger
[jiān bǎng] 肩膀 shoulder

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