中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?

Published: 2017-04-26 14:39:25
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Starbucks China decided to promote Earth Day on April 22 by promising to give away free coffee, if people bring in a reusable cup on the Earth Day.

4月22日,世界地球日。星巴克搞了一个促销活动, 说是当天自带杯子可以免费喝咖啡。

中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?

Soon after that, the Internet was full of photos of Chinese standing in line at Starbucks carrying an increasingly absurd variety of oversized containers like basins, herbal pots, and other containers that really stretched the definition of the word “cup” to an extreme degree. 


中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?

中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?

中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?

中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?

中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?

中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?

But, the thuth is that Starbucks had specified that the Earth Day promotion was for a free medium-sized, 12-ounce coffee, and the parade of absurd containers had actually occurred well before Earth Day. The basins, water buckets, and herbal pots full of coffee were brought to Starbucks for a different event to test the limits of what Starbucks would fill with coffee, and everybody had paid for their absurdly large coffees. The customer spotted drinking a giant latte out of a huge metal bowl had paid $47.49 for his multi-gallon coffee. 

事实真是如此吗?并!不!是!活动仅限地球日当天的特定时段,而且免费咖啡的尺寸也有规定,中杯 12oz。这组奇葩图片是地球日之前的图片,是某公众号早些时候做的测评——在星巴克拿各种奇葩容器装咖啡也有优惠吗?每个人都需要为他们用脸盆、锅子、药罐子等装的咖啡付费。那位拿不锈钢盆的哥们为那盆咖啡付了300多块人民币。

重点词汇 Key Word: 

  • <动词 v.> cost; expend; spend
    E.g. Zuò fàn kě fèi shí jiān le。
    Cooking takes a lot of time.

  • <名词 v.> fee; expenses; charges
    E.g. Tā de gōng zī zhī fù bù qǐ tā suǒ yǒu de fèi yòng。
    His wages can not cover all his expenses.

  • <形容词 adj.> expending too much; wasteful
    E.g. Kōng tiáo tài fèi diàn。
    The air conditioner consumes too much electricity. 

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