没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

Gao Huiying China Plus Published: 2017-05-17 11:29:30
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没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

A Taiwanese woman with terminal(晚期) cancer(癌症) has inspired(激励) people from across the globe(全球) by having the courage(勇气) to pursue(追求) her dream(梦想) of having a wedding photo shoot, despite not having a groom(新郎) to share it with. 

没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

In 2015, Chen Bo-yu found out that she had terminal breast cancer shortly after she had been declared cancer-free after spending two years fighting off stage two breast cancer.

没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

She said she cried hard- for one day only. Then she decided to take what life she had left(剩下的) and spend(度过) it fulfilling(完成) her deepest desires(渴望) and wishes(愿望).

没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

So last Spring, she decided(决定) to hold this photo shoot, saying she could no longer wait(等待) any longer. 

没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

The story has since been revived in 2016, with many news outlets around the world praising her for her courage.

没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

Chen's incredible story has been picked up by more and more media outlets. Her solo wedding photos have been featured on the pages of magazines like Cosmopolitan and Brides, and, last week, she was the focus of a video published by the BBC.

没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

Chen says that by sharing her story she hopes to raise(增加) awareness(意识) of breast cancer, along with encouraging(鼓励) others to pursue their dreams as well.

没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

"I was always waiting for someone to appear(出现), to help me fulfill my dreams, including taking wedding photos," she told the BBC. "Now I choose to fulfill my dreams by myself."

没有新郎的婚纱照 Wedding photo without a groom

[Photos via Facebook]

词汇 Words:

[mèng xiǎng] 梦想 dream
[yǒng qì] 勇气 courage
[kě wàng] 渴望 desire
[yuàn wàng] 愿望 wish
[yì shí] 意识 awareness
[jī lì] 激励 inspire
[zhuī qiú] 追求 pursue
[dù guò] 度过 spend
[wán chéng] 完成 fulfil
[jué dìng] 决定 decide
[děng dài] 等待 wait
[zēng jiā] 增加 raise
[gǔ lì] 鼓励 encourage
[chū xiàn] 出现 appear

重点词汇 Key Word:

  •  <名词 n.> dream
    E.g. Wǒ xǐ huān zhè ge mèng。
    I love this dream

  • <动词 v.> dream; see visions
    E.g. Wǒ zuó wǎn mèng jiàn nǐ le。
    I dreamed of you last night. 

  • <名词 n.> wishful thinking
    E.g. Mèng xiǎng chéng zhēn。
    It's a dream-come-true.

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