超市物品的时装秀 Supermarket fashion!

Gao Huiying China Plus Published: 2017-08-08 11:43:27
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Want your own haute couture that is still unique but super affordable? An annual supermarket(超市) fashion week was held in Nanjing, China. Shopkeepers found their creative and unusual side by making ingenious apparels(衣服) with everyday items(物品) they sell(卖), like sleeping mats(睡垫), paper towels(纸巾) or even seaweed(海带). Fashion shows like this have taken place all over China in the past years.

超市物品的时装秀 Supermarket fashion!

A tissue(面巾纸) summer dress from this year in Nanjing

超市物品的时装秀 Supermarket fashion!

A cabbage(卷心菜) bikini(比基尼) top and straw(稻草) skirt(裙) from 2014 in Chongqing city

超市物品的时装秀 Supermarket fashion!

A towel(毛巾) dress decorated with bath balls(浴花) from 2014 in Hubei Province

超市物品的时装秀 Supermarket fashion!

A pot(锅) hat(帽) and ladle(长柄勺) skirt from 2015 in Zhejiang Province.

超市物品的时装秀 Supermarket fashion!

A seaweed bikini from this year in Nanjing

超市物品的时装秀 Supermarket fashion!

A summer mat warrior suit from 2014 in Henan Province

词汇 Words:

[chāo shì] 超市 supermarket
[yī fú] 衣服 apparel
[wù pǐn] 物品 item
[shuì diàn] 睡垫 sleeping mat
[zhǐ jīn] 纸巾 paper towel
[hǎi dài] 海带 seaweed
[juǎn xīn cài] 卷心菜 cabbage
[bǐ jī ní] 比基尼 bikini
[dào cǎo] 稻草 straw
[qún] 裙 skirt
[máo jīn] 毛巾 towel
[yù huā] 浴花 bath ball
[miàn jīn zhǐ] 面巾纸 tissue
[guō] 锅 pot
[mào] 帽 hat

重点词汇 Key Word:

超 <动词 v.> 

  • exceed; surpass; overtake
    E.g. Yǒu lì tiáo jiàn chāo guò bú lì tiáo jiàn。
    The advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

  • go beyond(a limit, etc)
    E.g. Hěn bào qiàn,zhè bān fēi jī chāo shòu le。
    Sorry, the plane is overbooked. 

  • be more than usual; be beyond the normal level
    E.g. Rén men kāi shǐ jué de tā chāo rén yī děng。
    People were beginning to attribute superhuman qualities to him. 

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