中式夏季消暑降温法 Chinese way to have a cool summer

Gao Huiying China Plus/China Daily Published: 2018-06-22 15:17:26
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A well-known Taoism saying goes like this, "mind in peace gives you coolness(心静自然凉)".

As temperature(气温) rise(升高) each day, it's time to create some coolness(凉爽) apart from keeping calm.

Chinese people have some traditional(传统的) ways(方法) to reduce the summer heat(高温) without air-conditioners(空调). The methods include healthy food(食物) and tools(工具) that can also help people experience the beauty of summer.

Here are some choices(选择) which will bring you surprisingly cool experience.

中式夏季消暑降温法 Chinese way to have a cool summer

Bamboo mat(竹席) [Photo/VCG]

Bamboo mat is a lovely must-have that can cool your summer with a naturally nice smell. There are many sizes(型号) for bed(床), chair(椅子) and pillow(枕头). The ones with pale green colors can bring visual comfort in summer heat.

中式夏季消暑降温法 Chinese way to have a cool summer

A traditional Chinese fan(中国传统扇) 

Available in various shapes(形状) and materials(材料), Chinese fans are unique for the water-ink paintings(水墨画) and calligraphy(书法) they carry. Some are dazzled with exquisite embroideries(刺绣), such as tough silk fans.

中式夏季消暑降温法 Chinese way to have a cool summer

Plum juice (酸梅汤) [Photo/VCG]

Plum juice is a traditional healthy beverage(饮料) for summer in Beijing. As the recipe(食谱) to make the drink has hawthorn fruit(山楂) and Chinese medicine herbs(中药), it can reduce the harm from summer heat to human body.

Additionally, it helps digestion(消化). Due to the development of storage technology, people can have the juice all year round, yet summer is the best time.

中式夏季消暑降温法 Chinese way to have a cool summer

Wormwood incense (艾香) [Photo/VCG]

Burning incense made from herbs has a long history in China. As wormwood is a magical herb that can be made into both food and medicine, it is also made into incense to burn.

Such incense can reduce the moisture(祛湿) that may become a hotbed of illnesses in hot summer days, and protect you from being annoyed by insects.

中式夏季消暑降温法 Chinese way to have a cool summer

Wormwood noodle (艾面) [Photo/VCG]

With a special green shade that can be found in painter Giorgio Morandi's palette, the noodle is made from flour blended with wormwood juice.

One way is to cool the noodle in cold water after boiling it in hot water until it becomes soft. Then add some sesame oil, chili and salt. If you don't like such spicy taste, stir some eggs and tomatoes (remember to add enough water to make the tomatoes juicy) and blend them with the noodle.

词汇 Words:

[qì wēn] 气温 temperature
[liáng shuǎng] 凉爽 coolness
[fāng fǎ] 方法 way
[shí wù] 食物 food
[gōng jù] 工具 tool
[shēng gāo] 升高 rise
[xíng hào] 型号 size
[xíng zhuàng] 形状 shape
[cái liào] 材料 material
[yǐn liào] 饮料 beverage

重点词汇 Key word: 

  • <名词 n.> law; legilation
    E.g. Xīnfǎ xiàyuè shēngxiào。
    The new law comes into force next month.

  • <名词 n.> method; approach; way
    E.g. Wǒ juéde zhèzhǒng zuòfǎ jí bù míngzhì。
    I think this is extremely unwise. 

  • <形容词 adj.> lawful; legal
    E.g. Wǒ suǒzuò de juéduì héfǎ。
    What I did was perfectly legal. 

  • (佛教)Law; dharma
    E.g. Zhè bùshì hóngyáng fófǎ de shíjiān。
    This is not a time for a sermon. 

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