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“剪纸”服饰迎新春 Craftswoman makes papercutting works of cheongsam to greet Spring Festival
在中国最受欢迎的五头“猪” Five popular cartoon pig characters in China
把自己泡进“火锅”里 People enjoy "hotpot" hot spring in Hangzhou
山东村民做花馍迎春节 Villagers make Buns to celebrate lunar New Year in E China's Shandong
跨国春晚在缅甸仰光举行 Spring festival gala held in Yangon
移植子宫内孕育宝宝出生!中国首例​ Baby born from transplanted uterus donated by grandmother
四姑娘山正是“攀冰”好时节 Climbers enjoy a cool activity on Mount Siguniang
杭州一学校设立“恋爱假” Hangzhou school offers its teachers time for love
今起,中国春运开始啦 Spring Festival travel rush begins in China
细菌也能画画 College students grow bacteria into artistic images
华为没从事过间谍活动 Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei denies spy accusation
哈尔滨建冰餐厅主营火锅 Ice restaurant built in Harbin
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