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中国国家主席习近平发表2020年新年贺词 Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers New Year speech
查干湖“头鱼”拍出296万元 Appetite grows for frozen fish from NE China lake
超智能,京张高铁来了 China's high-speed rail links Winter Olympics cities
62岁失独老人产子 62-year-old woman who lost only child years ago gives birth
智能助手“劝”主人自杀 Rogue Amazon Alexa tells woman to “kill yourself”
拍照必须买书是霸王条款吗?Buy a book, take a selfie: bookshop owner
日本2019年年度汉字为令 Japan picks "令" to define 2019
变电站外墙“变”书架 Bookshelf-like substation in Ningbo
古稀老人收到大学入学通知书 70-year-old and 81-year-old receive offers from college
2019十大网络用语 The most trending Chinese internet slang of 2019
萌宠来袭!东盟宠物博览会昆明开幕 ASEAN Pet Expo is underway in Kunming City
公园员工给候鸟投喂“爱心粮” Park staff feeds migratory birds in harsh winter
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