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全球唯一深坑酒店开业了 "Earth-scraper" hotel opens in Shanghai's unused quarry
你对中国的筷子了解多少?How much do you know about Chinese chopsticks?
2020年中国或将成世界最大主题公园市场 China to become world's largest theme park market by 2020
日本生产出超逼真人脸面具 Super realistic masks made in Japan to accurately replicate human face
世界厕所日看花样厕所 A day dedicated to toilets for cleaner world
旧玩具带来满满的童年记忆 Old toys on display bring back childhood memories
红嘴鸥第34年飞到昆明过冬 Black-headed gulls fly to Kunming to live through winter
独腿女电焊工成网红 One-legged female welder becomes online celebrity
“双11”单日制造包裹13.5亿个 Over 1.35 billion parcels generated during China's online shopping spree
中国小吃在纽约开业3小时就关门 Chinese street food sold out in three hours upon opening in New York
又是一年维密秀 Angels on 2018 Victoria's Secret fashion show runway
神秘鸳鸯成纽约“明星” Mysterious mandarin duck makes a splash in NYC's Central Park
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