Learn through News

6岁女童照顾父亲成网红 Girl, 6, taking care of paralyzed father goes viral
中式英语“加油”入选牛津词典 Add oil! Popular Chinese expression added to Oxford English Dictionary
“复兴号”又添超长版新成员 China's new bullet train gets longer
“炫富挑战”在中国刷屏 Falling Stars challenge in China
粮食变艺术品 Edible art for World Food Day
小德上海大师赛夺冠 Djokovoic storms to fourth Shanghai Masters title
全球首家“恶心食品博物馆”将开业 Disgusting Food Museum to open in Sweden
中国再无消防兵 China says goodbye to its team of fire-fighting soldiers
中国功夫在土耳其上演 Chinese Kung Fu show enchants audience at Istanbul university
多彩长假 Chinese enjoy various activities during National Day holiday
艺术家作沙雕呼吁帮助印尼海啸受害者 Artist creates sand sculpture to help Indonesia's tsunami victims
中国首位女伞兵捐千万积蓄 China's first female paratrooper donates ¥10 million to hometown
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