Learn through News

鸭子缘何成为社交媒体的宠儿?How did ducks become a social media favorite?
强台风“山竹”横扫广东 Super typhoon Mangkhut wreaks havoc in Guangdong
熊猫主题专列上办“大熊猫节”发布会 Panda-themed subway trains launch tourism festival in Chengdu
家庭作业让数一亿颗米粒 Students were asked to count 100 million rice grains as homework
中国丰收时节到 China embraces harvest season
地标建筑为老师“亮灯”致敬 Landmarks were light up in China to celebrate Teachers' Day
马云明年交出阿里巴巴接力棒 Jack Ma to retire as Alibaba Chairman next year
80后小伙瓶子里做“立体沙画”Post-80s man creates sand images in bottles
非洲留学生新余体验中国文化 African students learn about Chinese culture at Xinyu university
中国“超级杂交水稻”产量创新高 China's super hybrid rice output sets new world record
甲骨文变萌表情 Ancient characters come alive on memes
中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕 See you in Beijing, African friends!
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