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扫码买一切 QR codes are on the rise in China
自习吗?要付钱的那种 Paid study rooms become popular in China
中国的“光棍节”怎么变成了“购物节”How China's 'Singles' Day' became a shopping holiday
故宫现巨型御猫萌翻游客 Royal cats statues catch the eyes of tourists in Beijing
玩具医院可帮你修理“朋友” Toy hospital helps repair "silent friends"
杭州一大巴为乳腺癌患者筹集头发 Commuters donate hair to help breast cancer patients
市民共享巨型大火锅 Residents enjoy a giant hotpot in Hebei
武汉军运村有哪些“不一样” Wuhan Military Games athletes' village showcases notable features
《哪吒》代表中国内地角逐奥斯卡 'Ne Zha' represents the Chinese mainland in the Best International Feature Film at the 92nd Oscar
贺新中国70华诞 China holds celebrations marking 70th anniversary of PRC founding
北京大兴国际机场今日正式投入运行 Beijing massive new airport to open
又是一年“中国农民丰收节”Farmers' Harvest Festival cheered across China
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