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纪念马克思诞辰200周年 Marx Memorial Library commemorates Marx bicentenary
西安城墙1374架无人机表演创纪录 1,374 drones dance over ancient city wall
劳动者劳动节劳动忙 People stick to posts on Int'l Workers' Day
河南面塑艺人捏出能吃的面人 Henan dough modeling finds success in modern age
江苏金湖村民养鹅增收 Jiangsu Villagers grow incomes by breeding geese
韩朝首脑会晤 金正恩跨过“三八线” Kim Jong Un, Moon hold historic meeting
“外籍人才眼中最具吸引力的中国城市”揭晓 Most attractive Chinese cities for expats announced
浙江农村人居环境变化大 Rural living environment improved in E China's Zhejiang
农业旅游助农民增收 Modern agriculture and rural tourism creating new income source
中国无人潜水器完成深海首潜 China's unmanned submersible Qianlong III makes first dive into sea
新组建的中央广播电视总台正式揭牌 China inaugurates new state media group
解放军航空兵部队举行实弹射击演练 PLA's aviation brigade holds live-fire exercise
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