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中国对美国进口食品等加征关税 China imposes tariffs on imported U.S. goods
无人驾驶迷你巴士东大校园开跑 Driverless minibus available at university in Nanjing
这只长着人脸的猴子火了 Monkey with a human-like face goes viral
无人机也来采茶 Debut for drones in harvest of famous tea leaves
北京位列中国城市综合发展榜首 Beijing ranked as China's most comprehensively developed city in 2017
成都对“车顶玩偶”说“不” Chengdu police say 'no' to 'superheroes' on car roof
平遥被CNN评为世界十大古城墙城市 China's Pingyao ranks among CNN's global top 10 medieval walled cities
“全中国最小的山”火了 Is it a rock or a mountain?
立蛋迎春分 Spring equinox marked with egg traditions
春天到了,中国各地花开 Spring flowers bloom across China
北京首家无人值守书店开业 Self-run smart bookshop opens in Beijing
俄罗斯将汉语纳入高考 Mandarin is coming for Russia's college entrance exam
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