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去水上主题乐园抓活鱼 Summer water fish festival in Chongqing
泡“辣椒浴”比吃辣 Chili pepper-eating competition was held in Hunan
该晒西红柿了!Drying tomatoes in the Gobi desert
福建水池有巨鼋(yuán) King of the turtles?
全球多地现月偏食 Partial lunar eclipse seen around the world
超市物品的时装秀 Supermarket fashion!
特高压直流工程开工 Electric power line from Anhui to Xinjiang under construction
世界第二大水电站主体开建 The world's second largest hydropower station started construction
学校为助贫困生狂购26吨西瓜 University buys 26 tons of watermelons all at once
退伍老兵登山拉练庆八一 A unique way to mark China's 90th Army Day
中国解放军震撼军演 PLA's 90th birthday Grand Military Parade Highlights
怀双胞胎9个月仍健身 Woman keeps up exercise during twin pregnancy
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