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游客住透明帐篷观天 Transparent tents are used as hotel rooms
儿童模特秀 Child Model Show was held in Fuzhou
大连现“荧光海”奇观 'Sea Sparkle' has been seen in Dalian
VR复原被毁前的圆明园 VR brings ruined miracle back to life
中国人用脸盆装咖啡?Basins were brought to Starbucks for free coffee?
中国海军舰队出访20余国 Chinese naval ships set to visit over 20 countries
中国国际蔬菜科技博览会开幕 China International Vegetable Sci-Tech Fair kicks off
万亩光伏板发电绿化两不误 Miles of PV panels to provide power and green
松花江畔的开江节启幕啦!Fishing season officially opened
巴士变婚车 Buses transformed into wedding limousines
与鲨共舞 The man enjoys dancing with sharks
中国茶园旅游正当时 Tea plantation tourism industry is booming
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