Learn through News

一年一度的泼水节来啦! Annual Water Splashing Festival is on
重庆现内地首座颠倒屋 Upside down house in Chongqing
医生被美联航暴力拖下飞机 Doctor forcibly dragged off United Airlines
500多件鳄鱼制品被查获 Over 500 illegal Siamese crocodile products were seized
特朗普5岁外孙女秀中文啦! US President Donald Trump's young granddaughter shows her Chinese
A 75-year-old yoga teacher 75岁的瑜伽教练
学生体验春耕 Students experience farming techniques
“大白鲸”升空 A captive balloon floating in air
300多名小学生的花样方阵表演 Mass Choreography by primary school students
无臂男孩能常人之所能 A story of ability!
大学校园飞机导弹俱全 Aircrafts and missile displayed on a university campus
7岁女孩减肥 Little girl seeks treatment for obesity
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