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成龙等香港艺人发声“我是护旗手” Jackie Chan leads HK artists' guarding efforts for China's national flag
美伊州大学宣布设立纪念中国学者基金 University of Illinois sets up fund to honor late Chinese scholar
“爬”满了熊猫的飞机首飞土耳其 Sichuan Airlines A350 in panda livery joins the Chengdu-Istanbul route
“萝莉变大妈”主播账号被封 Live Broadcaster shut down following an exposure of her bad-looking
中国风扇在欧洲热卖 Sales of fans by Alibaba boom as Europe swelters
2019年维密秀取消 Victoria's Secret fashion show cancelled due to a lack of interest
点赞!中国医生长城上救助日本游客 Chinese doctor rescues Japanese tourist at the Great Wall
画师爸爸把女儿画进童话世界 A cartoonist dad creates comics starring his daughter
200斤重的太空南瓜亮相杭州 Giant space pumpkin on display in Hangzhou
18只熊猫宝宝一起过生日 18 panda cubs have birthday party in Sichuan
稀有耐克跑鞋以300多万拍卖售出 Rare pair of Nike sneakers sold for a record $437,500
少林功夫非洲学员班开班 Shaolin martial art class opens for African apprentices
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