Learn through News

北京地铁试验“同车不同温” Beijing subway line sets different train temperatures
四川宜宾地震已致13死134伤 13 killed, 134 injured in Sichuan earthquake
北京新机场线列车空载试运行 Beijing new airport subway line starts test run
中国大熊猫国际形象正式发布 China unveils first global giant panda logo
广西、贵州的杨梅熟了 Chinese bayberries enter harvest season in China's Guangxi, Guizhou
“中国速度”惊到“歪果仁”Foreign netizens astonished by "China Speed"
课本不得夹带商业广告 Education ministry forbids commercial ads in school textbooks
厦大51岁保安获法学学士学位 At 51, campus guard receives law degree
邮票见证友谊 Postal stamps demonstrate friendship of China and Russia
中国完成首次海上火箭发射 China conducts first seaborne rocket launch
“垃圾分类”教育进校园 Various activities held across China to raise people's awareness of garbage sorting
粽子也可以五彩缤纷 Traditional food for Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi made colorful
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