Good Manners 礼貌 (3)

Gao Huiying China Plus Published: 2017-10-23 10:53:42
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Key words of the day

Do you mind if I smoke? 你介意我抽烟吗?No, I don’t mind. 不介意。 

Could you please pass me the ketchup? 请把番茄酱递给我,好吗?


B: Yajie, do you mind if I smoke?

Y: no… I don’t mind… but Brendan, I don’t know you smoke.

B: hehe I don’t… I just want to know how to say it in Chinese.

Y: I see. You can say “ni3 jie4 yi4 wo3 chou1 yan1 ma?”

B: ni3 jie4 yi4 wo3 chou1 yan1 ma?

Y: ni3 means you, 

B: ni3, 

Y: jie4 yi4 means mind, 

B: jie4 yi4, 

Y: wo3 means I, 

B: wo3, 

Y: chou1 yan1 means smoke, 

B: chou1 yan1, 

Y: ma is often put at the end of a question. 

B: ma. 

Y: ni3 jie4 yi4 wo3 chou1 yan1 ma?

B: ni3 jie4 yi4 wo3 chou1 yan1 ma? Do you mind if I smoke. 

Conversation 1:


B: 不介意。您随便。

B: Yajie, what if a Chinese asks me this question and I want to say “I don’t mind”. 

Y: you can say “bu2 jie4 yi4.”

B: bu2 jie4 yi4.

Y: bu2 means not, 

B: bu2, 

Y: jie4 yi4 means mind, 

B: jie4 yi4, 

Y: bu2 jie4 yi4

B: bu2 jie4 yi4 I don’t mind. 

Conversation 2: 

A: 你介意我抽烟吗?

B: 不介意。

B: Yajie, Could you please pass me the ketchup?

Y: Sure… here you are. 

B: thanks. What if the person I ask don’t understand English?

Y: then you can say it in Chinese, like this : 请把番茄酱递给我,好吗?

B: qing3 ba3 fan1 qie2 jiang4 di4 gei3 wo3, hao3ma? 

Y: qing3 means please, 

B: qing3, 

Y: fan1 qie2 means tomato, 

B: fan1 qie2. 

Y: jiang4 means something paste like jam, 

B: jiang4. 

Y: fan1 qie2 jiang4, ketchup,  

B: fan1 qie2 jiang4 

Y: di4 means pass, 

B: di4, 

Y: gei3 wo3 means give something to me, 

B: gei3 wo3. 

Y:  hao3ma, is it okay?

B:  hao3ma

Y: qing3 ba3 fan1 qie2 jiang4 di4 gei3 wo3, hao3ma

B: qing3 ba3 fan1 qie2 jiang4 di4 gei3 wo3,hao3ma Could you please pass me the ketchup?


A: 请把番茄酱递给我,好吗?

B: 好的。给你,



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