EP66 西安 The Xi'an City

Lu Chang China Plus Published: 2017-12-08 17:22:18
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EP66 西安 The Xi'an City

EP66 西安 The Xi'an City

  • Chinese 101:Talk about holiday plan and travel to Xi’an

  • Grammar: Chinese tone (儿化,山西&陕西); Such as 比如;From...to 从...到;

  • Language Tips:Chinese City Xi’an - Facts Travelers Should Know Before Visiting

  • Story of the Day:The Everlasting Regret 《长恨歌》 cháng hèn gē 


A:假期你打算去哪儿?jià qī nǐ dǎ suàn qù nǎ ér ?

Where do you plan to go during your holiday?

B:我想去西安,陕西的省会。wǒ xiǎng qù xī ān ,shǎn xī de shěng huì 。

I want to go to Xi’an, the provincial capital city of Shaanxi

A:那儿有什么好玩儿的?nà ér yǒu shén me hǎo wán ér de ?

Any interesting places there?


xī ān yǒu xǔ duō míng shèng gǔ jì,bǐ rú bīng mǎ yǒng 。

There are lots of historical interests in Xi’an, like the Terracotta Army.

A:从北京到那里需要多久?Cóng běi jīng dào nà lǐ xū yào duō jiǔ?

How long does it take from Beijing to there?

B:很方便!高铁只要5个小时。hěn fāng biàn !gāo tiě zhǐ yào5 gè xiǎo shí。

It’s very convenient! Only 5 hours by the high speed rail.

Words & Expressions:

【假期】jià qī:holiday

【打算】dǎ suàn:plan; plan to do sth.

【去哪儿】qù nǎ ér:where to go

【西安】xī ān:the name of Xi’an city

【陕西】shǎn xī:Shaanxi. a province in northwest China

【省会】shěng huì:the capital city of Chinese province

【名胜古迹】míng shèng gǔ jì:places of historic interest and scenic beauty

【兵马俑】bīng mǎ yǒng:the Terracotta Army

【比如】bǐ rú:such as; for example


【那里】nà lǐ:there 

【需要】xū yào:need

【多久】duō jiǔ:how long; how much time

【方便】fāng biàn:Convenient

【高铁】gāo tiě:high speed rail

Hosts: Liu Min & Jessica

Programme Editor: Wang Xiaoyu

Producer: Lu Chang

EP66 西安 The Xi'an City

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