EP115 方便 Scheduling a time

Lu Chang China Plus Published: 2018-07-18 15:31:22
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EP115 方便 Scheduling a time

EP115 方便 Scheduling a time

  • Chinese 101: Scheduling a time use “方便”

  • Grammar: Expressing "with" with "跟gen";How to use “再说”

  • Language Tips:The jokes of “方便”

  • Story of the Day:Go back on one's words 出尔反尔



Lǎo bǎn ,nín xiàn zài yǒu kōng ma?

Boss, are you free now?


What is it?

Shén me shì?


I'd like to discuss the salary issue with you.

Wǒ xiǎng gēn nín tán tán xīn shuǐ wèn tí 。


Bù hǎo yì sī,xiàn zài bú tài fāng biàn ,wǒ mǎ shàng yào kāi huì 。

Sorry, now it’s a bad time, I'm about to have a meeting.


nà nín shí me shí hòu fāng biàn?

Then when is convenient for you?


Děng wǒ kāi wán huì zài kàn ba 。

Let me see after the meeting.

Words & Expressions:

【老板】lǎo bǎn: boss

【有空】yǒu kòng: have time, free

【谈】tán: talk

【薪水】xīn shuǐ: salary

【不好意思】bù hǎo yì sī: sorry, may I apologize

【方便】fāng biàn: convinient

【马上】mǎ shàng: right now

【开会】kāi huì:have a meeting

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EP115 方便 Scheduling a time

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