Op-Ed Blog

Port handover to Chinese firm will boost Sri Lanka’s economy

It can be said that Hambantota has become an advantage to Sri Lanka because the country has Colombo on the one hand and Hambantota on the other hand as well.

Africa should show more investment opportunities for China

Undeniably, Africa is home to thousands of overseas companies, a large number of them being Chinese. Statistics show that these companies are growing faster than their peers elsewhere. Their balance sheets also point to huge profits.

Sino-European relations after the Budapest ‘16+1’summit

China and the EU are certainly disagreeing on the former’s presence in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the Balkans. The new protectionism frame introduced by the European Commission could further perplex the situation.

The Daily Telegraph publishes a signed article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming entitled “China’s role in Africa is as an equal partner"

On 6 December 2017, the Daily Telegraph and its website published a signed article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming entitled "China’s role in Africa is as an equal partner". 

China-India parleys on economic cooperation

While China-India parleys on macro-economic trends and explorations into strengthening bilateral economic partnership may not be new, their new context remains of special significance. 

Showcasing Chinese Internet giants going global

China's World Internet Congress offers a huge chance for Chinese companies to showcase the technology that they have been developing and implementing over the last 12 months and to illustrate just how far internet giants like Alibaba and Tencent have gone in terms of turning China into the world's most innovate internet economy.

WIC: A ride on China’s express train of Internet and Digital Economic Development

The theme for this year’s conference focuses primarily on “digital economy” and for any economy to gain advancements; trade and connectivity with other economies is paramount. 

What to expect at China’s World Internet Conference

The 4th World Internet Conference in Wuzhen is scheduled for December 3-5, and is expected to attract up to 1,500 internet innovators and scholars from around the globe. 

New global dimension for China

The “China Dream” idea which at first looked like a very general sketch became a long-term plan consisting of several strategies required to realize an aim of historic proportions – rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

CEE–China summit review and investment prospect

The mechanism of "16+1 cooperation" between China and the Central and Eastern European countries has been established five years ago and serves as an economic bridgehead of the Belt and Road Initiative. 

The Ice Silk Route: Sino-Russian cooperation in the Arctic

Russia is an important and reliable partner in the Belt and Road Initiative, which will play a significant role in development of the "Ice Silk Route."

Premier Li's Hungary visit invigorates China-CEEC ties

The 2017 China-CEEC Summit under the theme of "deepening economic, trade and financial cooperation for win-win development" has marked the return of the "16+1" to Hungary, after having hosted a summit of economy and finance ministers in 2011.

The forthcoming E-commerce Law and its economic impact

Initially, Foreign-Invested Telecommunications Enterprises (FITE) were forbidden from investing more than 50% in Value-Added Telecoms Services (VATS), from which e-commerce businesses are part of.

Why is China an attractive study destination?

According to the Ministry of Education, the number of international students studying in China has risen by an average of 13% each year.

Reflection on US deals in China from German perspective

 In the context of the further digitization of the industry and the implementation of the objectives set out in the "Made in China 2025" plan, it became clear that qualification is a key topic for the future. Also in this field, a great cooperation between China and Germany is visible. 

China’s New Deal could usher in new world order

While the West concentrates on free trade, China has a two-track approach: While encouraging free trade China also has a sort of a new Keynesian New Deal with its massive expansion in infrastructure building.

Deciphering Panama's approach to China

In Latin America, China is playing a pivotal role in maintaining trade warm and investments steady in a critical period, and Panama is well aware of it. 

How much can Japan and India challenge China in Africa?

This year's fall editions of "New Africa" and "African Business," two influential news magazines in Africa, have featured 3 countries together as their cover stories, namely China, Japan and India.

Could public figures avoid legal consequences?

In the case of  UCLA basketball players, it is easy for most people to sympathize with a “lapse of judgment” because most can admit to having suffered from them. 

Sino-US cooperation and East Asian security

If the international community can create conditions under which the North Koreans feel it unnecessary to develop nuclear weapons, then the nuclear problem may automatically disappear.

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