Op-Ed Blog

US needs to stop strangling Huawei and its advanced 5G

The Trump administration's launching of an aggressive embargo on Huawei is malicious enough to strangle the world's 5G leader, which has always done and will continue to use its high-tech innovations to bring good changes.

US ignorance of rules leads to only failure

The US administration always blames other countries for “violating rules” as long as its “America first” strategy malfunctions or its hegemony fails to work.

How will American consumers begin to feel the trade war pinch?

Though President Trump repeatedly suggested that higher tariffs on goods from China will have no impact on American firms, reality shows that the pain is equal, if not more on American companies. 

China’s 1.4 billion consumers too big for the U.S. to contain

In our globalized world, attempts by Washington to suppress China's companies and contain its vast market with 1.4 billion consumers are doomed to fail.

US attempts to colonize global business continue: China Daily editorial

The Trump administration is weaponizing its economic policy in support of its foreign policy goal of colonizing global business. 

Tariffs unlikely to scare foreign firms away from China

Washington's efforts to scare off foreign firms operating in China by imposing extra tariffs will not help it to achieve its goals. Instead, it's likely to worsen the hollowing out of America's manufacturing sector.

China's companies won't be dwarfed by American bullying

Washington is targeting a slew of Chinese companies amid escalating trade tensions. But America's technological hegemony and bullying won't scare off China and its enterprises.

Bad-mouthing won't make China less attractive for investors

Foreign capital is continuing to flow into China, and no amount of bad-mouthing of its economy can kill the vitality of its massive attractive market.

68 years of China-Pakistan relations

The “All-Weather Friendship” between China and Pakistan has become more relevant and will further strengthen in the days to come.

China and Armenia, two old civilizations in the world

There is a huge potential for boosting Sino-Armenian cooperation in economic and political fields. 

The United States is the world’s biggest deficit creator

​The United States has become the world’s biggest destabilizing factor, creating deficits in governance of global affairs, trust, peace, and global development.

Learning lessons from Huawei's countermeasure

The ingenuity of China's tech giant Huawei in countering U.S. anti-competitive trade measures underlines the strength and purpose of the Chinese people to see through national rejuvenation in the face of determined outside opposition.

Without good faith, China-US trade talks can head nowhere

China has been consistent in its willingness to work with the United States to find a way forward in the bilateral trade negotiations. But as recent events have made clear, the United States is not prepared at this point in time to sincerely negotiate a fair trade deal.

America First policy will get America hurt first

The America First policy being pursued by Washington is leaving the United States increasingly isolated and out of touch in today's globalized and multipolar world.

America should fear the enemy within

Rather than China, it’s zero-sum minded hawkish politicians such as Steve Bannon that the United States and its people should be wary of. The demon lies within, and the U.S. only has itself to fear. 

Dialogue of Civilizations for a better Asia and World

Asia was ever the home to three of the "Four great ancient civilizations," and Asian civilization won global fame for thousands of years of history. We, Asian people, should jointly and confidently work together to revive our Asian civilization and restore our past glory, not only for a better Asia but also for a better world in the future.

Asian Civilization Dialogue: the path to self-define one's culture

The Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations currently being held in Beijing is taking place against the background of the end of the West’s unchallenged dominance of world affairs, and to encouraging Asian nations to define their own cultures and make their own assessment of their contribution to humanity.

U.S. “theft theory” enough to make Don Quixote blush

U.S. accusations of theft by China are merely self-deceiving, and would make even Don Quixote blush. Rather they reflect U.S. anxiety over industrial hollowing-out and financial bubbles, and its inability to cope with important challenges ahead.

Shared prosperity will defeat the clash of civilizations

Seeking goodwill with its neighbors and harmony with all nations is the Chinese way of engaging with the world. We should let the drive for shared prosperity rule, so that we can live in a world full of diversity, integrity, harmony, and unity. 

CCTV editorial going viral shows China’s confidence in trade battle

A video of an editorial broadcast on Monday's CCTV prime-time news program has gone viral in China, with netizens showing their support for its strong backing of China's government in response to American pressure in the trade war.  

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