China's first simulated Mars base to be built in Qinghai

Min Rui China Plus Published: 2017-09-07 18:14:06
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​China is to build its first base to simulate the conditions found on Mars in a desert area in the country's northwest Qinghai province. [Photo: Xinhua]

China is to build its first base to simulate the conditions found on Mars in a desert area in the country's northwest Qinghai province.The Mars village will be built on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, which is known for its inhospitable rocky landscape, formed over centuries by wind erosion, and which bears a striking similarity to the arid surface of the Red Planet.[Photo: Xinhua]

The local government said the project would incorporate education, tourism, scientific research and simulation training. In the future, a 'Mars community' and a 'Mars camp' will provide tourists with a unique scientific and cultural experience.China is planning to launch its first Mars probe by 2020. [Photo: Xinhua]

China is to build its first base to simulate the conditions found on Mars in a desert area in the country's northwest Qinghai province. [Photo: Xinhua]

China is to build its first base to simulate the conditions found on Mars in a desert area in the country's northwest Qinghai province. [Photo: Xinhua]

China is to build its first base to simulate the conditions found on Mars in a desert area in the country's northwest Qinghai province. [Photo: Xinhua]

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