Formula cars developed by college students

China Plus Published: 2017-11-16 18:32:44
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Formula Student China (also known as "FSC") is a competition among Formula Student China Combustion (FSC), Formula Student Electric China (FSEC) and Formula Student Autonomous China (FSAC), attracting 130 teams from over 100 universities.

Beihang University formula team has participated in the FSC for seven years, with undergraduates and graduates from well over ten schools and departments taking part in the design and assembling of vehicles.

Tapping into the university's background of aeronautics and astronautics, the students have designed and optimized the appearance of their vehicle with aerodynamics features, including a smoothness of surfaces of the wings to reduce drag as much as possible.

They've also developed the vehicle's battery, prioritizing security and stability to create lightweight optimization while ensuring performance.

The electric cars and gasoline-powered cars have similar chassis, greatly reducing the cost of manufacturing.

The final formula vehicle is created through creativity, knowledge and technology developed by students. This vehicle can serve as a prototype and evolve to meet the needs for mass production with certain modifications. This is an important step to develop into mass-produced, commercial formula cars in the future.

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