'Vicious' rooster attacks pedestrians in small Arkansas city

AP Published: 2019-07-26 11:54:13
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Leaders of a small Arkansas city are planning to draft an ordinance next month addressing a problematic rooster that has been attacking pedestrians.

Jasper Mayor Jan Larson said something has to be done about the rooster that chases people as they walk in the street.

"He attacks them and scratches," she said. "It would be all right if you were young enough that you could kick him. But some people are older and could fall.

"We can't let people get hurt because of an errant rooster."

[File Photo: IC]

[File Photo: IC]

The rooster Larson called "vicious" began patrolling the sidewalk and street in front of a house nearly a month ago, chasing people who walked by.

One woman fell while fleeing the rooster, which also went after a small boy, Larson noted.

"That's the sad part of it, especially if you're a 3-foot-tall person or a doddering lady like me who can't run," Larson said.

Larson said chickens and roosters are permitted in Jasper.

"We are a small town," she said. "People have chickens here. That's not a big deal really. But we are also a city. We can't let our animals attack people."

Police Chief Michael Henderson said there have been complaints about the rooster.

"We did get a written complaint, but there were no injuries," Henderson told the Arkansas-Democrat Gazette. The rooster has also been a topic of discussion at the City Council's last two meetings.

Roosters protect their flock of hens, especially during their summer and spring mating season, according to Sara Orlowski, an extension poultry management specialist with the University of Arkansas. She added that some rooster breeds can be aggressive.

Orlowski noted that running away from roosters encourages their pursuit.

"In his mind, they're giving in, so he's going to claim dominance over them," she said. "The fact that they're running away just makes him want to keep chasing them."

Orlowski, who grew up with chickens and roosters, said she would stand her ground.

"You just kind of try to be bigger than them and not back down," she said. "If you stand up to them, eventually they're going to back down."

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