Chinese and US demand drives avocado growth

Ruperd Reid Published: 2017-05-04 11:24:13
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[Photo: Thinkstock]

[Photo: Thinkstock]

Strong demand in China, along with the USA, has been credited with raising wholesale prices of avocados.

The increase in demand comes alongside a reduced harvest of the fruit (yes, it is a fruit) in Mexico, Peru and the USA.

Avocado has been widely promoted in recent years as a healthy food option, with benefits including a very high protein content.

It's also an essential ingredient of Mexican favourite, Guacamole.

Demand in China is rising especially quickly, at around 250 percent per year.

What's more, avocado is not the only fruit (I promise you, it is a fruit) to be experiencing such demand in the country.

Peruvian blueberry farmers were recently reported to be benefiting from enhanced trade with China.

According to specialist publication Fresh Plaza, blueberry shipments from Peru increased by a whopping 148 percent over the last year.

This is largely due to the increasing popularity of the fruit around the world, and demand is reported to be rising especially fast in China.

It's no surprise that with increasing wealth in the country, and a growing population, that would be the case.

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