Telltale signs of an African becoming Chinese Published: 2017-08-25 18:26:48
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When moving to a new country, people will almost always pick up some lifestyle habits of the culture they have integrated into. As an African that lived in China for a few years in my early twenties, I have also naturally picked up some habits from my Chinese neighbors. These habits go well beyond learning how to use chopsticks or finding my way through convoluted subway routes. It is something that has become a part of who I am: a Chinese African.

A South African drinking water [File photo:]

A South African drinking water [File photo:]

The first time I visited my classmate's home while studying in China, I was perplexed as to why he was forcing me to take my shoes off. It should be noted that I was wearing socks with holes in them on them that day, so you can imagine my embarrassment when I finally succumbed to his insistent nagging. Now that I'm back in Africa, my friends here think I'm crazy for making them take off their shoes whenever they visit my home, just as how I used to think my Chinese friends were crazy.

It should also be noted that my current favorite beverage is a glass of hot water. The first time I was served hot water I actually asked where the teabag was. To us Africans, water is meant to be drunk cold. The only time I turned on my kettle was when I needed to make coffee or tea.

When I first came back to Africa, I had to be constantly reminded by my friends to not do certain things at certain times of the day. This took me a while to get used to because in China I could run rampant on the streets at all hours of the day and night. In Africa, however, I might get robbed and stabbed.

I now also eat all sorts of weird foods. From slimy sea animals like jellyfish and octopus, to moldy tofu with white mushroom spores growing on them, I can proudly say that I have tried all the food that will make my African friends cringe in horror. That is how I know I've become a true Chinese.

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