China supports reform of UN peacekeeping with UN Charter as guide

Xinhua Published: 2017-09-21 17:11:18
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China supports the reform of UN peacekeeping with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter as the guide so that the peacekeeping missions can better carry out their mandates, said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday.

The purposes and principles of the UN Charter serve as the foundation for UN peacekeeping, Wang told a Security Council high-level debate on the reform of UN peacekeeping.

The principles of equality and sovereignty, non-interference with other countries' internal affairs and the peaceful settlement of international disputes enshrined in the UN Charter as well as the peacekeeping guidelines formulated on the basis of those principles must be followed, said Wang.

The central purpose of peacekeeping is to promote political solutions, Wang said.

The peaceful settlement of disputes through political means is a fundamental principle of the UN Charter, he said, adding peacekeeping must follow the principle of pursuing political settlement and must be planned in accordance with specific conditions on the ground.

He also stressed the importance of building partnerships and the pursuit of sustainable development in the countries concerned.

Wang asked for cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union with regard to peacekeeping and called for more political and financial support for Africa-led peacekeeping operations as well as efforts to help Africa with capacity building.

China has always been a staunch supporter of UN peacekeeping and an active participant in UN peacekeeping missions, he said.

China is also a major troop’s contributor and the second-largest contributor of funds, he added.

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