China revises oath of allegiance for officials

Xinhua Published: 2018-02-24 20:41:03
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China's top legislature Saturday adopted a revised oath of allegiance to the Constitution taken by state functionaries, which adds adjectives of "great", "modern" and "beautiful" to describe "a socialist country."

The revision to the legislative decision on allegiance to the Constitution was adopted at a session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), which closed Saturday.

While most parts of the oath remain unchanged, the last phrase is changed into "to work for a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful," according to the document.

China introduced oaths for officials in January 2016.

Responding to the ongoing reform of supervisory system, the revised decision also states that senior members of supervisory commissions at all local levels and those of an anticipated national supervisory commission should take the oath upon assuming office.

All oath takers are required to sing the national anthem.

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