GCC regrets Trump's remarks on Golan Heights

Xinhua Published: 2019-03-22 23:05:01
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The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) regretted on Friday the announcement made by U.S. President Donald Trump about Golan Heights.

(L to R) Blue and White political alliance (Kahol Lavan) leaders Gabi Ashkenazi, Yair Lapid, Benny Gantz, and Moshe Yaalon speak to the press during a tour near the Syrian border in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, on March 4, 2019. [File Photo: AFP]

(L to R) Blue and White political alliance (Kahol Lavan) leaders Gabi Ashkenazi, Yair Lapid, Benny Gantz, and Moshe Yaalon speak to the press during a tour near the Syrian border in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, on March 4, 2019. [File Photo: AFP]

The GCC General Secretary Abdullateef Al Zayani highlighted in a statement that Trump's announcement undermines the chances of achieving a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.

The reality that the Golan Heights is Syrian land occupied by Israel military force in 1967 should not be changed, it said.

U.S. President Donald Trump said Thursday on Twitter that it is time for the United States to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights, which it seized from Syria in 1967.

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