Indian PM-elect Modi receives phone call from Pakistani PM

Xinhua Published: 2019-05-26 21:55:56
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Indian Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi on Sunday received a telephone call from Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, with the latter congratulating him over the victory in the recently-held General Elections, according to an official statement issued by India's external affairs ministry.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and Indian Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi. [Photo: China Plus]

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and Indian Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi. [Photo: China Plus]

Modi thanked Khan for his telephone call and greetings.

Recalling his initiatives in line with his government's neighbourhood first policy, Modi referred to his earlier suggestion to the Prime Minister of Pakistan to fight poverty jointly.

He stressed that creating trust and an environment free of violence and terrorism was essential for fostering cooperation for peace, progress and prosperity "in our region," according to the statement.

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