Tokyo zoo celebrates second birthday of Xiang Xiang the Panda

China Plus Published: 2019-06-08 20:08:35
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The panda Xiang Xiang who lives at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo will be two years old on Wednesday, and the zoo is holding a series of events to celebrate the birthday of the popular guest.

Giant panda cub Xiang Xiang plays with her mother, Shin Shin, at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, on November 12, 2017. [File photo:]

Giant panda cub Xiang Xiang plays with her mother, Shin Shin, at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, on November 12, 2017. [File photo:]

Xiang Xiang was born in Japan in June 2017, and quickly became a star. About 4.5 million visited her in 2017, and a further 4.96 million people came in 2018. The last time the zoo saw visitor numbers that high was when more than 4 million people visited Xiang Xiang's parents, Shin Shin and Ri Ri, back in 2011.

To celebrate the little star's birthday, the zoo will launch a line of phone covers with Xiang Xiang's likeness. But perhaps the most unusual event will be an exhibition that explains to audiences how the little panda's poo has changed over the past two years as it adjusted to its changing diet. And visitors who, for whatever reason, are especially keen to understand that evolving process will have the opportunity to take a whiff of the panda's poo at the zoo on Wednesday.

Giant panda cub Xiang Xiang walks with her mother, Shin Shin, at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, on June 12, 2018. [File photo:]

Giant panda cub Xiang Xiang walks with her mother, Shin Shin, at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, on June 12, 2018. [File photo:]

Xiang Xiang was scheduled to be returned to China when she turns 2 years old. But the return date has been pushed back to 2020 in recognition of the desire of the Japanese people for her to stay with them a little longer.

Xiang Xiang's parents went to Japan in 2011 under a 10-year lease agreement. China has ownership of Xiang Xiang and also her parents.

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