Egypt's ousted President Morsi dies in court

Xinhua Published: 2019-06-18 09:12:09
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Egypt's former President Mohamed Morsi died on Monday in court after the conclusion of a trial session in an espionage lawsuit, state-run Ahram reported on its website.

In this file photo taken on June 16, 2015 Egypt's ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi stands behind the bars during his trial in Cairo. [Photo: AFP]

In this file photo taken on June 16, 2015 Egypt's ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi stands behind the bars during his trial in Cairo. [Photo: AFP]

"The former president had asked to talk and the judge gave him the permission," according to Ahram.

Morsi fainted later and his body was taken to hospital, it added.

Local media said the former president has suffered a heart attack.

He has been attending a retrial session in Cairo criminal court along with other 22 people.

Morsi was sentenced to 25 years in jail on charges of spying for foreign countries.

The prosecution accused Morsi of unveiling the country's national secrets for terrorist organizations.

Morsi, 67 years old, who took office in 2012, was ousted by the army in 2013 in response to mass protests against his rule.

Since then, Morsi and top leaders of his Muslim Brotherhood group have been kept in prison and faced trials over charges of murder, violence and spy.

Muslim Brotherhood group has been outlawed by the government in 2014.

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