Trump dismisses Iran's claim of arresting CIA spies

Xinhua Published: 2019-07-23 10:46:39
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U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday dismissed Iran's claim of dismantling a spying network in the country working for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) amid escalating tensions in the region.

National flags of the United States and Iran [Photo: IC]

National flags of the United States and Iran [Photo: IC]

"The Report of Iran capturing CIA spies is totally false. Zero truth," Trump said in a morning tweet, calling it "lies and propaganda" put out by Tehran.

Iran's Intelligence Ministry on Monday announced that it had dismantled a spying network inside the country serving the CIA and arrested 17 people.

Some of the detainees have been sentenced to death, the ministry said in a statement.

Tehran's announcement came amid tensions in the Gulf region. The U.S. military said on Friday that the Pentagon has authorized the movement of military personnel and resources to Saudi Arabia to help deter "credible threats."

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