White couple sues clinic for their Asian daughter after IVF treatment

China Plus Published: 2019-09-12 15:53:20
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A white New Jersey couple is suing the clinic where they received IVF treatment, after a DNA test proved that the man was not the father of their daughter, according to a report by the New York Post.

Kristina Koedderich and Drew Wasilewski reportedly spent 500,000 U.S. dollars for their treatment at the clinic. Their daughter, who was born in 2013, developed Asian features as she grew up.

[File photo: AP]

[File photo: AP]

The couple had DNA tests in 2015 that confirmed there was no possibility that Mr. Wasilewski could be the father.

The couple is arguing that the clinic's negligence led to their divorce.

The clinic has been ordered by a court to hand over a list of sperm donors so that the girl's biological father can be found.

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