成语故事:囫囵吞枣 To lap up information without digesting it

Wang Xiaoyu China Plus Published: 2017-08-30 10:14:16
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成语故事:囫囵吞枣 To lap up information without digesting it

成语故事:囫囵吞枣 To lap up information without digesting it


hú lún tūn zǎo

To lap up information without digesting it

囫囵means whole,吞 means to swallow,枣 means dates. This metaphor is used to describe someone who reads without understanding or gulps down what he reads without giving it any thought. 

Literal meaning: to swallow a whole date without chewing.

Explanation: to lap up information without digesting it.



nǐ duì dài bú dǒng de wèn tí yī dìng yào wèn qīng chǔ ,hú lún tūn zǎo bú shì xué xí de hǎo bàn fǎ 。

You have to ask if you have any questions, to lap up information without digesting it is not a good way to study.

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