成语故事:竭泽而渔 Drain the pond to fish

Wang Xiaoyu China Plus Published: 2017-12-28 14:27:53
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成语故事:竭泽而渔 Drain the pond to fish

成语故事:竭泽而渔 Drain the pond to fish


jié zé ér yú

Drain the pond to fish 

竭 means use up or dry up. 泽 means the water or the pond of water. 而 here is a conjunction word, meaning to do something. 渔 means fishing. The idiom, Drain the Pond to Fish 竭泽而渔 warns people not to think only of immediate profits while ignoring their long term interest. 

Literal meaning: drain the pond to fish 

Explanation: think only of immediate profits while ignoring the long term interest



duì suǒ yǒu rén zhēng shōu zhòng shuì jiù shì zài jié zé ér yú 。

Levying the heavy tax to all citizens is to drain the pond to fish.

成语故事:竭泽而渔 Drain the pond to fish

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