金庸小说将被改编成漫画 Famous martial arts novels coming as comic series

Gao Huiying China Daily Published: 2017-05-09 14:22:38
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金庸小说将被改编成漫画 Famous martial arts novels coming as comic series

Louis Cha, better known by penname Jin Yong(金庸), is going to see all his 15 martial arts novels(武侠小说) adapted into an online comic(漫画) series(系列). Four of the classics(经典) will be the first batch(批) of the adaptation(改编) project and have the comic strips(连环漫画) run on the web by the end of the year. Tech giant Tencent and Hong Kong-based broadcaster Phoenix TV are serving as producers. The four novels are Tianlong Babu (Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils)《天龙八部》, Lu Ding Ji (Duke of Mount Deer)《鹿鼎记》, Xiao Ao Jianghu (The Smiling, Proud Wanderer)《笑傲江湖》 and Xia Ke Xing (Ode to Gallantry)《侠客行》.

金庸小说将被改编成漫画 Famous martial arts novels coming as comic series

Cha's books have earned him millions of fans. During the past six decades, his novels have reportedly sold up to 300 million copies - with bootleg copies too - and have been translated(翻译) into foreign languages such as Korean, English, Japanese and French.

重点词汇 Key words:

[wǔ xiá xiǎo shuō ] 武侠小说 martial arts novels
[lián huán màn huà] 连环漫画 comic strips
[kē huàn xiǎo shuō] 科幻小说 science fiction
[ài qíng xiǎo shuō] 爱情小说 love story
[zhēn tàn xiǎo shuō] 侦探小说 detective story
[guài dàn xiǎo shuō] 怪诞小说 mystery story
[zhuàn jì] 传记 biography
[shī gē] 诗歌 poetry
[sǎn wén] 散文 essay
[xì jù] 戏剧 drama
[xiǎo shuō] 小说 fiction 

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