骑着毛驴去上学 Go to school by donkey

Gao Huiying China Plus Published: 2017-07-06 10:59:08
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骑着毛驴去上学 Go to school by donkey

Is it a cool(酷) way(方式) to go to school, or a dangerous(危险的) way?

骑着毛驴去上学 Go to school by donkey

Li Li, a father(父亲) from Chengdu, China, takes his 3-year-old son(儿子) to kindergarten(幼儿园) each day riding(骑) on a donkey(毛驴). As a firm(坚定的) upholder of traditional Chinese culture, Li teaches(教) his son classic Chinese poetry(古诗) as he rides the donkey to school rather than opting for more modern(现代的) transportation(交通) methods(方法).

骑着毛驴去上学 Go to school by donkey

Li hopes that his special(特殊的) way of education(教育) will help strengthen(加强) the ties(联系) between nature(自然) and humans(人类) as well as between father and son.

骑着毛驴去上学 Go to school by donkey

Yet Li’s practice is not appreciated by everyone in China and has stirred up controversy(争议).  Some criticized that Li’s practice is merely “making a show of himself,” and they accused(指责) the animals of polluting(污染) the streets(街道).

骑着毛驴去上学 Go to school by donkey

Traffic control authorities also pointed out that riding animals on the road may also impose safety(安全) issues(问题) to others on the road as well as to the boy himself.

骑着毛驴去上学 Go to school by donkey

Please tell us what you think in the comments below.

词汇 Words:

[kù] 酷 cool
[wēi xiǎn de] 危险的 dangerous
[jiān dìng de] 坚定的 firm
[tè shū de] 特殊的 special
[fù qīn] 父亲 father
[ér zi] 儿子 son
[yòu ér yuán] 幼儿园 kindergarten
[máo lǘ] 毛驴 donkey
[jiāo tōng] 交通 transportation
[zhēng yì] 争议 controversy
[jiē dào] 街道 street
[ān quán] 安全 safety
[wèn tí] 问题 issue
[zì rán] 自然 nature
[rén lèi] 人类 human
[jiāo yù] 教育 education
[lián xì] 联系 tie
[qí] 骑 ride
[jiāo] 教 teach
[zhǐ zé] 指责 accuse

[wū rǎn] 污染 pollute

重点词汇 Key Word:


  • <形容词 adj.> cruel; oppressive
    E.g. Tā kàn wǒ de yǎn shén lěng kù wú bǐ。
    She gave me the stoniest look I ever got. 

  • <副词 adv.> very; extremely
    E.g. Tā zhǎng de kù sì tā de xiōng dì。
    His likeness to his brother is remarkable.

  • <形容词 adj.> cool
    E.g. Nǐ jīn tiān dài zhe mò jìng kàn shàng qù zhēn kù。
    You looks really cool today wearing sunglasses.

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